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CanSurround releases native app for Apple iPhone and iPad to provide psychosocial support for people

We are happy to announce the release of our mobile app for Apple iPhone and iPad.

Living with cancer is rough. Managing stress with the right psychosocial support tools can make it easier to create emotional well-being. CanSurround is the 24/7 digital solution those affected by cancer deserve to help them feel better in every phase of the cancer journey—during initial diagnosis, throughout treatment and/or beyond. And it works.

“We are happy to announce that our app is now available for Apple iPhone and iPad, making it easier for those affected by cancer to access our platform using their mobile device.” said Jim Coyne Chief Operating Officer, CanSurround.

Participants can use the app to access a wide selection of psychosocial support tools proven to help them regain their footing.

A library of articles houses educational, insightful and inspirational information about the emotional aspects of the cancer experience. Participants can log their thoughts in a digital journal - a confidential space to collect inspiration, build memories and record stories and experiences. Checklists provide practical education and resources, which allow the participant to better navigate the health care delivery system and advocate for themselves.

Thought Inquiry helps participants identify and question stressful thoughts, one thought at a time, to make room for clarity and peace while Relaxation Exercises such as guided imagery, breath work, meditation and yoga can help reduce stress and strengthen the mind-body connection. Finally, the Support Network is a vital aspect of the healing process. Participants invite loved ones to join them on their journey.

CanSurround is provided to participants by cancer centers, healthcare providers, Medicare advantage plans, and other healthcare institutions. The CanSurround app can be downloaded from the App Store using the link below.

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CanSurround is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice; diagnosis; or treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD; or any other medical condition. 
Always seek the advice of your psychologist, psychiatrist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the CanSurround website. 

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